Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Black and White

Monday, December 3, 2007
What I Do When I Procrastinate

After taking care of our four horses, walking the Corgi and shoveling the snow that was steadily accumulating, I headed up to my studio with a cup of hot tea and "whipped" out this pen and ink on illustration board. It is of two horses who were taking part in a Civil War reenactment. Their bridles are like what the army used back then...........but this was an reenactment...I am NOT old enough to have seen the real thing!!! The photo reference of these horses came from a fellow Equine Art Guild member.
But doing this sketch gave me a needed break from the paper cutting I am working on.... a hunt scene with very small detail. I get so "into" a zone when I do paper cutting, that I forget the time and very often I also forget what I am supposed to be doing. Today was not a good day to be cutting. But it turned out to be a good day for a small [ about 7 1/2 by 8 1/2" ] pen and ink rendering.
I will be putting this work onto my mixed media gallery page on my website.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tomorrow I start a new paper cutting…..A hunt scene that depicts a sidesaddle rider and the hounds………..what fun this will be. I only hope my hands keep steady for the cutting!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Let It Snow!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Coming Three Filly

Yesterday I took the day off and had lunch and visited with artist friends. We had a Chinese food feast and then talked, talked and talked. How wonderful to have such good friends who share the same interests and tastes....if was a enjoyable way to past the day. One friend brought her Golden Retriever with her, and "Koda" and my Corgi, Addie, had their own party. Actually Koda spent most of the time retrieving slippers and various things from about the house, bringing her booty to us for "our" enjoyment! Addie did what Corgi's do best.......kept a vigil for food droppings under the table.
Today I am back working in my studio, and just finished up this watercolor that I am calling "Coming Three Filly". I had posted the graphite study for this in an earlier post. Now that this watercolor is done, I can work on the caseins that have been drying and are now ready for the finishing glazes.
Friday, November 9, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Study of a Study

Monday, November 5, 2007
Media Mixed

This team depicted here are Kladruby horses. The Kladruby, a handsome coach horse similar to the Lipizzan, originated in the Czech Republic 1579. It was derived from the Spanish Horse and the Old Neopolitan Horse from Italy. There is also other breeds like the Holstein, Andalusian, and Oldenburg horses, mixed in. This breed was produced as a heavy and beautiful carriage horse, and I enjoyed watching them trot down the road, or even standing under a shade three at lunch.
I also enjoyed working with transparent watercolors mixed with opaque casein and then throwing in some pen and ink..........I am sure I will do some more of this!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Shades Of Black- The Series

There are so many colors in black………and there are so many colors in my two black horses, two Tennessee Walkers…They throw off the reflection of light from their surroundings, the woods, the fields, and the sky. I see blues and reds and purples in their black coats and manes.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Drawn From My Life

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Four-in-Hand at Acadia

This casein painting above, done on Colorfix paper, is one of the works from the body of work that I am painting now. The four-in-hand in this painting is a team that was up at Acadia on an other occasion.
It always amazes me that these horses stand and wait , calmly, for the hitching and for the whip to take up the lines ......and then off they go! It makes me think that this is how we should approach life..............wait and then when the moment is right................off you go!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Waiting Our Turn

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sitting Pretty

This small casein portrait painting pictured above is of a very pampered canine that was done for his person in New York. What a life, heh? I have more canine works in the making. I keep working while "my" canine companion, Sweet Adeline, a Welsh Corgi, strikes a similar pose in our living room as she sleeps in my easy chair. I work and she sleeps. Who said dogs have a hard life?????
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Jacob Cotswold

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Somedays I Feel Like This?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I Can Do It Myself.... Sorta

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Am I Blue?

I have been doing a lot of drawing lately and I re-visited this little Welsh in graphite with a watercolor wash of blue. This pony has the bluest of eyes, so it seems proper to depict him this way. All gray and blue.
Friday, August 24, 2007

At Wildwood Stables, where we camped with our horses, I took many shots of the draft horses there that pull the carriages that take the tourists through the carriage roads, so they can get a glimpse of the beauty that hides on these roads forbidden to the automobile. This casein is of one of those big boys, on a respite. I have done several versions of this draft, in different mediums- in casein, watercolor, acrylic, liquid gold, and pastel. Some of those can be seen on my website.
“A Quiet Spot” is the latest version of this gentle giant.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
PC Problems Etc, Etc....

The month of August started with computer problems and went down hill from there.....but the "puter" is fixed and life goes on.
Yesterday, while waiting for my computer, I sketched a self-portrait in graphite. It is a fast study of myself. They say [and I don't know who "they" are.] that we should sketch ourselves often as a exercise in art. This was an exercise to say the least. But at least I can chock that exercise off as done for a while.
Over the last few weeks I have been finishing up some caseins and some graphite studies of works to be done. I have also been getting works ready for "A Dog and Pony Show " ,an Invitational Exhibit that opens on August 31st at Skyline Farm Carriage Museum in North Yarmouth, Maine. This is the second year that I am curating and exhibiting in this fun show.This year we have some great artists participating and I am sure there will be something for every one's artistic taste.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Reflections on July 21,2007

It is true that over the years we get a bit rundown. Some of us more then others.
Such is the condition of an old house sitting by Rte 1, going out off Searsport, Maine. Every time I passed this relic, when we were looking for a perfect home in this area years ago, I wondered about the stories this old home held. The first time I saw it, my good friend and fellow artist Karen and I were heading out to Blue Hill to look at homes for sale. We laughed at the sight of this fixer-upper, saying this would be perfect……….yep!
This year I decided to paint this mystery [to me at least] house. I call it “Handy Man’s Special”. It certainly is. I think anyone interested would be wise to heed the “ Do Not Enter” sign that warns of jobs too big to fix.
And it is my opinion that we also should hang similar signs on our persona as we age for ‘The Doctors’ to heed.
Just my reflections for the day……………….from one who could be called a “Handy Man’s Special”
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Up Close....and Personal.

I am busy packing more paintings to go to yet another gallery. This painting "Up Close" will be exhibited in Saratoga this summer at Terry Lindsey's Equidae Gallery at the Hilton Hotel along with 5 other works of mine. It portrays the old Standardbred tongue loll. All business, and focus on the race. This watercolor has a graphic punch to it....with colors that are a tad more brilliant than what is displayed here.
Okay.....back to the wrapping and taping!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Out And About? Not!

Earlier this spring, while snow was on the ground………I vowed that I would paint outside more often this spring and summer………..I did some quick sketches this spring of surrounding landscapes, houses and Belfast’s seaside atmosphere and lovely Victorian architecture. This watercolor is of a wonderful building in Belfast that has fascinated me since we moved into this area over five years ago. You can’t miss it as you drive into Belfast on Main Street…it is in your face. A lovely building!
When I lived in Italy, I painted and sketched often in the streets and piazzas of Rome. I had the works sold on the spot, as passer-bys watched me work and asked to purchase the works as I completed them.
Today I find I can’t work for long outside……….and even though I planned on working more outside, I prefer the studio and it’s bug free environment. Guess I am a sissy in my old age!!Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Warming Up At Acadia

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I have been invited to be part of a virtual art exhibit hosted online by Tapestry Institute in conjunction with The Voice of the Horse Conference This exhibit runs from June 30-August 31, 2007, The piece they selected is my casein “Dark Moon Ride” depicting a young man and his black Percheron draft horse on a moon lit night alone with their thoughts as they trot across the field. The innovative Voice of the Horse conference is designed to increase the understanding of the horse-human relationship at its most fundamental level -- the horse itself. Presenters include some of the nation's top horse professionals along with musicians and artists. Participants in the conference will be asked to share their stories of the horse-human relationship The conference will be held live at Iowa State University on June 30 and July 1; but it will be web cast live that weekend and it will also be available through August 31 for individuals to view and participate.This is an unique opportunity to show my artwork and participate in a study. Tapestry Institute is a federally-recognized non-profit 501(c)3 corporation.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Ice Ponies

Even though it is sunny out here now and the trees are in full green, flowers in bloom and the grass growing way too fast......I thought I should tell you about a diptych I did last winter , but have not put onto my website yet.
These two casein paintings on canvas are only 5 x 5 inches each, painted on all sides and ready to hang or sit on a shelve, without a need to frame them. Together they make a 5 x 10 inch painting depicting a small herd of Icelandic horses eating their hay. This herd belongs to a friend who breeds Icelandic horses in Knox, Maine. Icelandics are the neatest breed, with a comfortable rack and with "brio" galore. if I didn't have Walking horses to ride, I would want a woolly big hearted Icelandic.
I am glad the snow is gone...........the birds sing and summer is not far away. But these little caseins bring back the memory of the winter.... long gone by now.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Study On A Rainy Day

Today I finished this graphite study ...... a woman and her horse. The object of her affection is a Standardbred, "Trav", who has been her trail buddy for years. He is a stately gentleman whom I have taken care of on occasion. He reminds me of my 27 old Walker, Dom, who is also a grand gentleman.
My old "Dom" sleeps in his stall today as the skies pour outside. Spoiled rotten he is! As are his 3 stablemates.......all sleeping in dry stalls and munching hay watching the rain come down.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
To Work Or Not to Work?

I have finished this attached watercolor, one of three watercolors portraying harness racing; that will be on exhibit at Equidea Gallery in Saratoga, NY this summer. It is called “In The Blue”. It is always a pleasure to get back into painting in watercolor after working in casein. The paint behaves so differently and serendipitously………
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Old Horse - Old Barn

I have started a casein painting of an old horse and barn from a photo given to me by a new friend. Tim wrote, ”It is a photo of the barn, and one of the horses, on my Aunt and Uncle's farm, where I spent my summers growing up as a child. Maybe it will be of some inspiration to you.” Well, Tim…It is an inspiration to me… and I will be sending healing thoughts your way as I paint it. Thank you for your confidence in my portraying a part of your world that you grew up in. I think many folks can relate to this scene from the south.
I have started the painting with a chiaroscuro and this will dry enough to get into it with color in a few days…[or longer if it doesn’t stop raining!] I have attached it to today’s blog.
And now I will get back to finishing second watercolor of harness racing horses for Equidea Gallery in Saratoga, for the summer season.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Penned #2
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
What Happens When Your Studio Is Small

I have come to the conclusion that I do small works because my studio is small………the old ‘bell jar’ theory. That is why I am planning on working outside more this summer. With the sky above me, I shouldn't be hitting my head as I often do in my loft studio!Stay tuned!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Just Busy Working

Saturday, April 7, 2007
What A Face

Thursday, March 29, 2007
An Italian Greyhound Called Penny's Pooch

Dogs have always been a part of my life too. From Saint Barnard's, Standard Poodles, black and yellow Labrador's, Blue Tick Hounds, to our currant one an only Pembroke Welsh Corgi, "Sweet Adeline". So now while I finish up a color portrait of a horse, a black Tennessee Walker, I have started a small casein of a Boston Terrier.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Looking Down A Road

Thursday, March 22, 2007
I Miss Italy
The sun shines here, with March winds howling around the studio. Outside the snow is melting. The brook is free of its winter cloak of ice, free to gurgle and skip through the woods, past the barn and past the horses. It is spring here in Maine, but how I long for the warmth of Italian sunshine and an espresso, sipped at a cafe by the Spanish Steps.
So I paint... and maybe I can feel as if I am there...........
I will post the work when it is done..........until then I can dream. can't I?
Monday, March 19, 2007
The Silhouette

Monday, March 12, 2007
Hunter Jumpers...unite!

Now I need to move on to new works...........maybe a paper cutting?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Shades of Black

Monday, March 5, 2007
Why Casein?

It seems that I am always explaining what casein is and why do I use it? ...
There are so many different painting mediums I could be using, but time and time again I am drawn back to casein and what it does for me.
Casein is a water media paint made from milk protein. It has become my medium of choice with it's wealth of possible applications. I can do aqueous washes, layering delicate glazes, all speeded up by its quick drying time. Or I can paint thickly with a knife as if in oils. I can apply it in a consistency of tempera or gouache in a dry brush technique for detailed work. In other words...casein does ..for me...what all the other mediums can do. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
So I guess I need to get back to painting!
Attached is one of my favourite paintings, "In Your Face", a 16 x 20 casein on canvas. These ponies look at me as I work on my "Shades of Black" Series.........good company in my studio!
Friday, March 2, 2007
Snow out, Warm in.

The horses are all tucked warmly in their stalls. This storm will blow all day.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The sun shines into the studio. and our horses feed on hay on top of the snow in their paddocks. I look down on them from my 3rd floor loft studio.What a great sight to be able to constantly look at. I have a great job!!
The 3 caseins of Hunter- Jumpers are almost done...but today I will give a preview of a watercolor completed. This work is of a driver [whip] as she bridles her gray pony for their drive. They make a great pair.
I surely feel blessed to be able to do what I do , love what I do ... and to still be able to do it!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Who said this blogging is easy??

Due to my own limitations, I have been locked out from my own blog since my last [and first] entry. We have been snowed under and blown by the winds since then. Just doing the barn chores has been a labor.....is it of love?
But on the bright side...I have been painting. Yesterday I finished a watercolor [Titled: "Pony"] of a lovely gray pony who captured my muse at last fall's Maine Carriage Day held at Skyline Farm in North Yarmouth, Maine. Then I went back to painting three caseins I am working on of hunter-jumpers. Today I work on the three caseins and started a fourth in my "Shades Of Black" series. I am on a roll...........
Now if I can just remember how to get back into my blog creation page I will write more soon.......
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I have joined the world of the "blog". After everyone telling me I should have one...here it is.
Not knowing what to write , or what to contribute I guess I will start with...
It is cold out this morning on our small farm in the Maine woods. The horses breath ice crystals as they trot around their paddocks, trying to warm up their stiff bodies , free now to kick and frolic, out of their nighttime containment. I have given them hay, uncovered their heated water tanks and lined their ice covered stall buckets out in the sun. I leave the 4 horses to their games, and Addie [ my best Friend and resident Corgi] and I are back in our warm cottage, enjoying the bright sun as it streams through our south facing windows.
I grab a hot cup of coffee and my work in my studio begins.