Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Driven in Process

Monday, March 30, 2009
A Moment In Time

I have held off posting this until the painting present was presented on the wife's birthday. The painting now hangs in their home in Ohio.
This year I am accepting only a few commissions and focusing more on original works. I have a very busy year ahead...but as Martha says "That is a good thing!"
Friday, March 27, 2009
Commission of an Old Friend

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A Dream Vacation?

The reason I mention this is because one new friends is from England, and she has told me about a vacation idea where one could rent a horse and wagon…a gypsy cob and Vanner wagon. What a great idea that would be. And Les could do the driving and I would just sit and enjoy the scenery!!! At a nice slow pace. A step back in time! How lovely that would be!
The lovely Gypsy Vanner’s and Cobs are so neat. I can appreciate their strength and classic confirmation. We own Cobs and I never tire looking at them. Or painting them. I did the above watercolor of this Gypsy Vanner, and threw in some tempera to do the details of the wagon. You can see a larger image of this on my website.So while I work in my studio today my imagination takes flight and I am discovering the English countryside and listening to Sting!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Up and Coming

While I sit working on dreaded taxes and trying to get my "filing system" in order..[?]..I keep looking at this photo that is going to be my next "From The Loft" series painting. Why? Because I like the abstract effects in the photo and I want to play with the design elements.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Leader of The Pack Finished

This mixed media painting on canvas ,18 x18" is done and as it was done with casein, pen and pastels I will be having it glassed and framed. I have had fun exploring this combination of milk based casein paint and pastels on the canvas. Casein goes down smoothly over the Colourfix primer and then the pastels' pure pigment floats it seems on the casein and primer base.
"Leader of The Pack" will be put into my website and is available.
Now for today and however long it takes..my desk is cleared and I am doing the inevitable taxes.
Oh, how I avoid this chore each year!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
More For The Shade of Black Series

Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Pony

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Coming Together Fine!
Starting with an opening in Belfast, Maine of an art show at Aarhus Gallery on March 6th which brought a VERY full house. I have one of my mixed media paintings from My Family Series is showcased there. “How You Gonna Keep ‘Em Down On The Farm?” is an 8 x 6” fun look at my Pennsylvania family. I am working on some more of these.... a trip into my past and ancestry.... and it’s a fun trip. It is a step out of my normal subject matter and my focus, but I don’t think you will be disappointed with it. It is innovative and thought provoking. Some say there is certain nostalgia to these works.
Also I have been invited to several invitational exhibits that are being organized by The American Academy of Equine Art. You can see several of my works during The Rolex in April at the AAEA’S building opening April 24th through May 1, 2009.”Start of a New Day” and “Waiting Your Turn” both are being sent to Lexington for the Rolex show.

And then there is another invitational show on Mackinac Island, MI. titled “Pulling Their Weight - Draft and Carriage Horses in Fine Art” from July 15 thru 20, 2009.
AND THEN.... I have a ONE-MAN SHOW coming up in Lexington, KY. in May, titled "Finding My Voice"...at Gallery B. I will be there for the opening reception on May 8th, 2009 from 5-8pm. I hope you can make it! The show will last through the month of May. A portion of the sales from this exhibit will be donated to The Stroke Foundation. I hope this show can raise stroke and aphasia awareness!
I will also be having work hanging at Equidae Gallery in Saratoga Springs, NY. again this summer. And I will be doing a demonstration there "of painting with casein", date TBA .the dates can be seen on my events page on my website. Come and talk to me!!
AND FINALLY, last but not least!...…an interview with me, covering my oeuvre of equine artwork, has come out in ART HORSE MAGAZINE.... and it is so neat to see my work showcased so nicely. And at such a good time! This magazine is an art publication that only comes out twice a year and highlights one equine artist and art photographer in each issue, along with several interesting articles about art or history concerning the horse. A good read! I recommend it and not just because of the article about “MOI”…it is full of good reading!
That’s the story so far…. It’s coming together to be a great year!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Sunbathers

I saw this scene and have to capture it. My good friend and fellow artist Karen Pettengill just did a painting of her Koda dog sleeping in the sun....and our scene here so reminded me of her painting!
Check out her work!
I am waiting on the farrier now, the horses' feet need trimming...another sign of spring. I don't want to get into a painting and then have to stop when he arrives..so I am posting this for my blog event of the day!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Leader Of The Pack

Today the outside beckons with sunlight and birds singing their spring songs...tomorrow we will have a winter mix of rain and sleet. That kind of mixed "media" I can do without, thank you!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A Bit Over Whelmed
The opening for a Belfast, Maine Art show at Aarhus Gallery was held last Friday evening to a VERY full house.I had one of my mixed media painting of My Family Series showcased there. I am working on some more of these.... a trip into my past and ancestry....and fun.
I have four shows I have been invited to....and a personal show coming up in Lexington, KY. in May titled "Finding My Voice"...at Gallery B.
The interview with me, covering my oeuvre of equine artwork, has come out in ART HORSE MAGAZINE.... and it is neat to see my work showcased so nicely..and at such a good time!
That being said....I am heading back into my paints and pastels ..yes, pastels....interesting combination..and the hunter painting....and I am starting a new driving work. If ONLY I could just paint.....and not have to do the paper work that goes with all this 'artist's life".............. a necessary evil! Heh ...the sun is out! A good omen!!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
What I Do When The Snow Falls

Sunday, March 1, 2009
44N 69W:Radius Belfast

That will hang at the Aarhus Gallery in Belfast through March 29, 2009. The opening reception is March 6th, 5 – 8 pm. I plan to be there…would love to see you all there!!!
This is the painting that I submitted…”How Ya Going To Keep Them Down On The Farm”…you know the song that asks… that after they see Paris?? [PAREE?] You have to see this one to believe it! And it is a small painting..only 8 x 6". But it is framed BIG! [ Not really!]
AND GUESS WHAT…. it’snowing OUT! Our weekly snowstorm promising 6 to 12 inches!