
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Beautiful Jim Key DONE For The Mural

My panel is done and ready to be shipped..........Nice to have it done....
and now I am able to get busy on some other works, some commissions and works for upcoming shows, that I have had to put on hold because the deadline loomed for the Le Cadeau Du Cheval- The Gift of the Horse. I will be checking for my panel to see when it gets up onto the mother image.
It is hot today in my loft studio........95 outside. This is hot for June in Maine. I guess I need to start working outside a bit when the weather is like this!!
Yesterday we took the day off and headed north the I favourite spot...ACADIA! No artwork was done but I did get some awesome photo shots for future paintings. I love Acadia National Park! It always feeds my muse!!

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