
Monday, March 29, 2010

Another Shade Of Gray On A Gray Day

 The rain is pelting the windows as I sit now writing from the loft. But a better part of the day was spent painting in the new studio space we have created in our walkout basement. This will be' my space', craved out of the limited space in this tiny cottage in the woods of mid coast Maine. I am starting to feel that it is my space as it comes I figure where I want what and what goes where. It amazes me, as I put things away in this much larger space, how much I actually had in my tiny [very tiny] loft studio. And a lot of what I had crammed into the old studio will be weeded over and be discarded.I vow I will not collect!! I will not horde!! I will simplify!!

The above painting is a 9 x 12" casein on paper.I will post it on my website when it is done....and did you now I have a few papercut drawings still available?

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Painting In The Ring

"In The Ring"     mixed media     12 x 12"

In spite of the distractions of the hint of spring in the air and the gardens needing raking, horses needing shedding and dogs needing walking.....AND the fact that my studio space is STILL neither here nor there....I have finished a 12 x 12 casein and acrylic painting of a gray dressage horse titled" In The Ring". 
I also have received the exciting news that my oil painting "Four-Up At Acadia" is to be exhibited in an invitational art show ,  "The Horse In Fine Art  'A Salute to the World Equestrian Games' " which will hang in The Lexington History Museum in Lexington,Kentucky during the summer equestrian games.The exhibit is organized by The American Academy Of Equine Art in partnership with Keeneland Foundation and will be on display from April 16 through November 1,2010. I will probably not get down to the Lexington History Museum show until September when I will having a show opening and reception at Gallery B..also in Lexington and on the same street!! 

I also have been doing my 20 minute ink sketches religiously....and having fun doing them...Check them out!! They are right here on my blog!!
Look up ^   up below the header!!! ;-)

Now time to haul some more 'stuff' down to the new studio space.........

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Changes In The Making

This is a view of my studio as it was my loft....cozy, but very cramped.The ceiling slanting down to a point that I had to go on my hands and knees [not a pretty sight] to get to my paints and papers stored. I can't count how many times I got up from my kneeling stool, that I sit on when working at my drawing board, only to bang my head on the ceiling above. My easel fit in the high side of the studio,where I could stand and look out the windows down onto the gardens below.... and down onto the fields with the barn and our horses. Lovely to look at, but I couldn't stand back and look at my painting in progress for fear of backing up and falling down the spiral stair case. [Not a pretty site either!]
So we are in the process of moving me and all that my studio entails, down the spiral staircases..down into the bowels of Cob Cottage ...where I will have a large...all on one floor studio with a ceiling high enough to stand up in and more....a room with a view onto my back gardens and the arbor.The room is darker for sure, but I can light it artificially. The added advantage is also the fact that I can use my oil paints here, far from our bedroom....and during warmer weather I will be able to work with the back door open ....or just step outside and paint plein air!!!
So soon I will be able to post some photos of the new space[ which is not a pretty sight this point! ] And I so look forward to a positive change in studio space and artistic environs and atmosphere!

In the mean time....please take a look at my new page added on this blog with small 20 minute 'challenge' [or less] sketches done in pen and ink or pencil of any old subject that comes to my mind..... a change too of endeavors! [ Look up under my heading above to see the new pages added on my blog!! Look up!!! ]

P.S. This challenge was prompted by fellow artist, friend and blogger Michael Nobbs . I challenge you to follow him and his neat creative and thought provoking blog! Michael is a hoot!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Taking The 20 Minute Challenge

I am taking the plunge and am devoting 20 minutes of each day to doing some pen and ink drawing. Pen and ink sketching has always been fun for me..and it is something I can do... and used to do.... while watching TV or in a doctor's waiting room, etc. I don't know what I am going to do with these quick works ...but may find a place for them. Maybe I will add a page on this Cob Cottage Studio blog for them.

 So be on the look out for them. They will not all be about horses or dogs........but also just fun, illustration type works. 
They  might even be like this...........

self portrait          pen and ink 

Now back to the work at hand...moving my studio is not always about paint!

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Dressage Casein - "Shades Of Gray #3"

"Shades Of Gray #3"            casein on paper               9 x 12"

 Even though the day started a bit gray, the sun came out and Spring called to me as I worked in my studio, saying "Come and play...the winter was cold and deep, but now it is time to come out and enjoy the warmth of spring and promises of things to come." I listened but kept painting, finishing this one casein of a gray/white dressage horse for my "Shades of Gray" series. This is number 3....there are more to come...all playing with the discovery of colors in a gray horse brought out by the light and shadows. This painting as already been put up onto my website.........
Now I am headed out for a bit to rake leaves from winter weary gardens while, the pups play.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Spanish Walk

"The Spanish Walk"   casein    12x9"

I grew up in Italy.....vacationed as a child in Spain and Portugal. Europe was a wonderful place for a child to grow up in, to explore and to meet people with different backgrounds, interests and life experiences. 
Today from the comfort of my studio I am doing the I meet new Facebook friends from all over the world. One of these new friends is Jordi from Spain...with all the wonderful  PRE horses that he rides. This latest casein painting is of Jordi on one of the horses. 
I look at the wonderful landscape with the  purple mountains of Spain in the background,a lake behind the sand of the riding ring and the strength and power of a wonderful horse. I dream of going back....back to Portugal...back to Spain....and most of all back to Italy  that I called home!

But for now....back to the easel and life here in Maine with my own horses....and the dogs who want walking!! A long cry from the "Spanish Walk"!! 

p.s. Jordi works for a travel agency.....want to go to Spain!!!???

Monday, March 1, 2010

An Aarhus Gallery Show

"They Stand, They Wait-Acadia" casein on paper 9 x 12"

Please join me at Åarhus Gallery for an opening reception Friday March 5th, 5-8pm for the second annual '44N 69W: Radius Belfast'. An all encompassing show running from March 4th through the 28th, featuring work by Maine artists. All artworks, celebrating this vast creative community, will be on view and for sale with 20% of proceeds going to food banks within a thirty-mile radius of Belfast. Last year over one hundred and fifty pieces of art were exhibited to the delight of hundreds of visitors, with consequent sales enabling a generous donation to the Good Shepard Food Bank. This year I am exhibiting a painting depicting carriage horses up at Acadia National Park, Maine's crown jewel! We have spent many wonderful hours driving the carriage roads of Acadia ourselves. I will never tire of painting horses at Acadia! I am honored to be part of this great endeavor!