
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June's Song Brings New Oil Paintings

"June's Song"    Oil on copper      6 x 6"              Available

I do know that I should be working on paintings for the upcoming show at Equidae Gallery in Saratoga Springs, NY, for July....and my only excuse for producing the work I am doing  lately is that I needed a change. That is my story and I am sticking with it!  The few wonderful sunny days we have had lately have called me out to paint plein air, and to explore natural light and the vast array of subject matter that sits outside my studio walls. No need to even leave my farm. There are subjects enough for a lifetime of painting here. And so, I have been venturing forth, with Nell by my side,....and I have added two small oil painting gems......from my world here, on Cob Cottage Farm, to my website in the Small Works Collection.

"First Flower - Pond Lily"  Oil on copper      4 x 4"            Available

Yet the past few days have been spent in the studio, while rain pounds down around. The brook is reaching over its banks and my gardens are strewn with wilting flowers. Sad. But I have captured some of June's song in the paintings above. Enjoy! The sun WILL come out tomorrow!

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