This afternoon I finally was able to get back into the studio and set up my easel to get back into painting this 30 x 40" casein of the "Beautiful Blonde Belgians". Even though it seems to be taking a long time to finish this one...it is one of those paintings that seems to be painting itself. I am using my usual palette... but it seems to be coming together differently.We shall see when it is done! Once I got over the initial fear of the BIG CANVAS....I am loving the looseness I feel doing this.
Nellie has been helping me by keeping me company from the comfort of our bed.From there she can see into my studio... and also into the mirror to keep tabs on that canine friend of hers who lives in the "Bizarro" world inside the mirror. That silly dog barks at her and growls a lot...but has yet to come into the bedroom to actually challenge her...big brave dog that she is!!