This morning I had a chance to get this painting really going. This is a view of our Cob mare Trevillion Victoria as seen from our loft, as I sat on the hay piled up to the high loft window. The sun was drenching the new fallen snow with purple and blue shadows thrown by the forest trees that fence our mares' winter paddock. It all begged to be painted!
I started this painting on a burgundy toned ground that I applied to the already gessoed canvas ..and sketched the mare with white pastel to get my composition correct. Then I started the painting with casein....
With Ultramarine Blue Deep and Shiva Violet, I figured out where I wanted my blue and purple shadows. The casein then needed to dry and that takes a I worked on my newsletter and made some calls to clients...then back I went over the casein with acrylic...Titanium white....and the acrylic always picks up some of then casein ..blending and creating a glaze that I couldn't get with straight casein. The acrylic drys quickly and creates a skin over the for the next phase I won't be picking up so much of the dark blue and purple of the casein. At this point the paint is mixing with the toned background and the casein... and so starts this 30 x 40" canvas for the "From The Loft" series.
The other two paintings in this series can been seen on my website in the Equine and Domestic Animals Collection . While this Loft painting dries, about 24 hours, I will be working on a commission that is all casein.....and it will be handled differently.
It's so great to see a WIP from you, Kathi. I've been pondering my caseins again (seems to be a foal-watch association with me,as that's the last time I played with them!) so this is a great primer for me! Answers some of the questions I've had brewing!! I'll be watching!
Glad you liked it. I must admit I have little things that I do when doing casein paintings that are not 'written in stone". Try things and figure out what works for you. That is what makes a painting your own! Have fun.....
A real sneal peak into your work Kathi. Love the perspective and the whole concept "from the loft". You make it look so easy....
Easy?? But wait until I start the details and get caught up in the small stuff......sigh.....that can get me going!
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