I have always been surrounded by horses throughout my life. I have ridden hunt seat, forward seat [in Italy], saddle seat and western. I even have done a bit of dressage with our horses over the years. But I have never ridden side-saddle and have always wanted to learn. It doesn't look very comfortable, but it does look so traditional and lady-like.
If I can't ride it.......I CAN paint it.
This small 10 x 8" casein work "Sitting Pretty" was finished today. This painting and a 'bunch ' of other new work need to get onto my website. [When I get a -round-to-it]. The days seem to whiz by lately and with a large part of each day being taken up with shoveling snow around this winter....it seems I have less and less time to spend in the studio! Maybe I am not shoveling as fast as I used to?
But I do have several new "Shade of Black" paintings in the works, and a papercutting............so all is not lost!
So ...back to work........................