My favourite place to be in the summer [spring or fall] is Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Isle , Maine. For years we have been taking our horses there to experience the wonder of the carriage roads that John D. Rockefeller left to our nation. There we can enjoy a step back in time, on carriage roads created to be travelled by horse drawn carriage or by horseback. I have also had several art shows in Seal Harbor , where the main body of works exhibited have been works depicting scenes at Wildwood Stable, horses and the people who go there with their horses.
This casein depicts a scene where a driver, exercises her horse before hitching for a drive, and two ladies in their wicker phaeton prepares to head out onto the carriage roads from the grounds of Wildwood Stables. The Triad stands behind with outcrops of granite showing through the trees. It is a beautiful day!!
How I wish I were there today instead of working in my studio!!