
Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Change Of Address.....Or A Need To Simplify My Life

"Ground Driving The Belgians - Acadia"  Casein  6 x 6"
I have moved....well , no I haven't blog has. It has been a long time it seems since I started my blog on BlogSpot....ions ago. It is time to make my life easier NOW. I am not getting any fact the opposite seems to be so. So, one less Internet connection would be nice....less bother .I am moving [or HAVE moved my studio blog to my website KATHIPETERS.COM

There you can find my usual  mundane chatter and new art works in the making, ... or already done. Just like I have been doing here for nigh on 6  years now???? Wow , times sure flies when you are having fun! And I am having fun! Finally back driving our horses, and enjoying life to its fullest!
I hope you will come on over to my NEW BLOG PAGE .......and stay in touch. I love to read your comments and to have you continue to follow my art... and collect my art!  I have to feed those horses you know!  So bookmark the new blog page.....and come on over.
Sit and visit for a are always welcome at Cob Cottage Studio!
 Nell and I are waiting for you!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Great Paint Makes A Painting Greater

Back in the spring of 2011,  I was contacted by Sennelier of France and asked if I would help them with a blind test of their watercolors. They had seen my website and liked my work.. and so invited me to help them improve their product
 I have used Sennelier paints and pastels for years and am familiar with their high quality product line. When I lived in Italy I used their pastels and tempera ...and loved them! Their watercolors are primo! I was really happy to be chosen by them and more than happy to join in to the blind test. It was a fun test,  with several tubes of each watercolor color to compare with each other. It really made me think about the consistency and fluidity of each tube as I compared and rated them all, then finally picked my favourite from each color group. They told me they would send me a thank you for my time at the end of the testing. The time spent was fun and I even learned something new about what I actually look for in each color I use each day on my palette. I finished my evaluation and submitted my findings to them.
 When several weeks later a big box from France was delivered to our home I was more than excited about the contents! I now had new watercolors to pastels to play with and new oil pastels to try! AND lots of new 300 lb watercolor paper to put to good use, along with some new watercolor brushes! I was more than surprised...I was elated.  I said " Thank you, Sennelier!!!"  Believe me, the pleasure was all mine!! Below is one of the paintings that I completed with the test paints which I liked the best!!
Later in 2012 I was again gifted another package from France.....Sennelier had sent me a lovely watercolor pochade with the NEW tubes of Aquarelle Watercolors that I had helped them perfect and I was so excited about them!! I also received the book "Sennelier-A History In Color" ....inscribed with a personal message from Dominique Sennelier thanking me for partaking in their product developement. Again...the pleasure was all mine!!
Then last week I was contacted by Sennelier and invited to share my work, on their website  on a special page that they have set up for  their artists..... "Atmospheres".  I didn't have to think twice! Again THANK YOU SENNELIER!!!

My studio has seen me occasionally lately. Summer is here and we are busy driving our horses, mowing our lawns and my gardens keep calling me out of the studio to enjoy their colors. But over the weekend I found myself with some alone time,I sat on the deck  with my pen and inks and my Aquarelle watercolors and enjoy a bit of plein air, a fine old French tradition. Thank you Sennelier!!
Great paint !! Try them!!