It is true that over the years we get a bit rundown. Some of us more then others.
Such is the condition of an old house sitting by Rte 1, going out off Searsport, Maine. Every time I passed this relic, when we were looking for a perfect home in this area years ago, I wondered about the stories this old home held. The first time I saw it, my good friend and fellow artist Karen and I were heading out to Blue Hill to look at homes for sale. We laughed at the sight of this fixer-upper, saying this would be perfect……….yep!
This year I decided to paint this mystery [to me at least] house. I call it “Handy Man’s Special”. It certainly is. I think anyone interested would be wise to heed the “ Do Not Enter” sign that warns of jobs too big to fix.
And it is my opinion that we also should hang similar signs on our persona as we age for ‘The Doctors’ to heed.
Just my reflections for the day……………….from one who could be called a “Handy Man’s Special”